
Morning! Just not the morning you would expect since its around half 12 or 1 well depends on how long it takes for me to write this piece.

I’ve had quite a moment. Have you all had that moment when you want to give your assistance to someone but the leader refuses? You feel crappy, angry dumb and frustrated at the situation because you have no power. That person you want to help may not even recognise happyness let alone accept it. Its upsetting knowing it will be a struggle but having no plan of where to start in the first place? Makes you question who you are as a person.. well this will be awkward if you do not feel like this lol.

Have you ever met someone who is just truly lost and does not know even themselves. It is heart breaking when it is to someone you truly love and they do not know or understand the state they are in.

I guess the point of this piece is to make you aware of the lost people in the world and how identification is very hard to spot. Do not forget if these people cannot even know who they are they will be extremely vulnerable & self conscious when making new friends.  I want you as bloggers or readers to make a difference to that one person help them achieve to the highest that they can.

Im very aware this blog may be full of crap and something you are not interested in then i am sorry but I hope to those who are reading this I hope I have truly inspired you and made you understand just a piece of that moment of what I have been through tonight.

You all have the power to make a difference and even if I don’t know you or you haven’t read this and you are making that difference, honestly thank you #over&out

ItalianPerspective #different

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Right guys i’m currently in London Met Uni and i’m actually doing an online journalism course. I was conversing with this individual and she is something different. Her name is Denise she is 17 living in Italy with her mum and visiting her dad in London. So you as a reader, are probably curious to know what are the famous Italian like? Well my readers she is different, I know I keep repeating this word but I genuinely mean it because she is! So she told me a little about Italy and her plans to travel, she said she finds Italy quite boring, kinda found that hard to believe and you will find out why..

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